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​​​If you want a wedding or commitment ceremony that’s unique to you and your partner, you’re in the right place. Your ceremony can be as joyful, heart-warming and special as all the other details you’ve painstakingly planned for the day. It can be low key and simple, graceful or grand. And it can take place anywhere: a field, a farm, a forest, or even a fortress. What’s key is that you have the freedom to decide exactly how you want to do things and that we can work together to make that happen. 


The only thing I can’t do is the legal side, for which you’ll have to arrange a separate visit to the registry office. 


Working together with you, I'll carefully craft your ceremony to reflect you and your relationship. Every ceremony I write and conduct is an act of collaboration. We'll create a ceremony which feels honest and authentic to you, but you don't need all of the answers – my job is to offer suggestions and advice; to unpick your story and tease out a plan; to produce a bespoke ceremony which feels just right for you. 

Working together. 

Before you book, let’s chat. We can talk over the phone, on Teams, or we can meet in person. Just head over to my Bookings Page to set up an initial discovery call. 


If, following our discovery call, you decide to go ahead I’ll send you a contract so we have an agreement in writing. I charge £1000 for Weddings. This is paid in 3 instalments; £350 when you book, £350 when you receive your ceremony script and £300 the week of the ceremony. Travel is charged separately. I only ever do one wedding per day so, from the moment you pay your deposit for you wedding ceremony, I’m all yours. 


Three months before your wedding, we get together to plan your ceremony in detail. We'll talk about who you want involved, how you’d like to be announced at the end of the ceremony, the readings, music and vows. The majority of our time together will focus on your story, your view of marriage and the reason you decided to say ‘I do.’ I can provide helpful hints and tips to kick-start your ceremony conversations. Ifthere’s an element you’re keen to include in your ceremony, perhaps something which pays tribute to your culture or heritage.


With every wedding ceremony I write, I’m aiming to get as close to perfect first time as possible. However, I’m not precious so, if there are things you want me to add, change or re-work, that’s fine. We’ll tweak it until it’s just right for you.


Having a rehearsal is optional. Not every venue can accommodate it and not every couple wants one. However,  it is a great opportunity to run through the technical parts of the ceremony, freeing you up on the day to focus on each other and enjoy the moment.


On the day, I’ll arrive early to make sure your ceremony all runs smoothly. I’ll coordinate with the venue, the photographer, the wedding planner and any readers or musicians. I’ll be on hand to offer pep talks to everyone in the wedding party and of course to reassure you both. And finally, I’ll conduct your personalised ceremony which will perfectly set the tone for the rest of your happy day…and the many years beyond.

Two Brides

Vow Renewals

You may be approaching a special anniversary, emerging from a crisis or facing a new challenge together. Alternatively, it may just feel like the right time to celebrate what you’ve achieved together and reaffirm your love and commitment to one another.

A renewal of vows or relationship celebration can be a totally private ceremony, an intimate family occasion, or a big public celebration.

Your vow renewal ceremony could include repeating your original vows and/or updating them to reflect what your relationship means now. You can re-dedicate rings or exchange other special gifts to symbolise your renewed commitment. You may wish to invite family members or other important people in your life to play a part in your ceremony.

As your celebrant I’ll work closely with you to create a beautiful and unique renewal of vows ceremony that celebrates and affirms your past, present and future together.

A Renewal of Vows ceremony is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate your continuing love and commitment.


This moment


Tel: 07950 916154

15 Carp Road



SN11 9UE

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